
What Is VAT?

VAT is a transaction-based indirect tax which is levied at each step of the supply chain. End consumers generally bear the VAT cost while registered businesses collect and account for the tax, in a way acting as a tax collector on behalf of the Federal Tax Authority.

VAT is used in more than 180 countries around the world. All OECD countries except for the US have VAT (or a variation). While it feels exactly the same as a general sales tax to end-consumers, VAT is a more sophisticated tax and overcomes many challenges that affect the general sales tax.


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الشغف هو ليس السبب الرئيسي في نجاح المؤسسه او العمل بشكل عام انما هو السبب الرئيسي في استمراريته. الشغف هو راس مال المشروعات الصغيره و المتوسطه و هو قيمه راس ماليه غير ملموسه لاي مؤسسه! يتركز الشغف بعمل معين او اظهار منتج او خدمه معين بشكل معين للبيع  في صاحب المنشأه أو مديرها, كشهره المحل و لكن يمكن تقيم الشغف بطرق اخري ومنها الاستمراريه و توارث و تطوير نفس مجال العمل كما ايضا تصدير الاسم التجاري للاسواق الخارجيه.
هناك العديد من الشركات صغيره قامت علي مجرد افكار و نجحت بشغف اصحابها “انها الرومانسيه و ليس الناحيه الماليه” و الدليل علي ذلك القاعده التسويقيه ” انه ليس ما تبيه و لكن لماذا تبيعه؟” او من ناحيه اخري ان الايمان بالشئ نفسه مما  يؤدي الي استمراريته و نجاحه وايضا للشغف دورا كبيرا للتغلب علي موعقات كثيره خاصه في مراحل ما بعد النمو في دوره حياه المشروع  فمثلا سلسله المخابز والمطاعم و المقاهي الشهيره ” بول ” التي يمتد تاريخها منذ عام 1889 لاكثر من 5 اجيال متتاليه استطعت من خلالها تحقيق نجاحا باهرا في مجال الاداره  سواءا كانت في اداره الافرع الرئيسيه داخل الدوله الام او في باقي الفروع بنظام الفرنشايز حول العالم.
بدايه المشروع:
بدات من  عائله من العمال الزراعيين في إقليم أرتوا في شمال فرنسا ، بقيادة شارلمان مايوت وزوجته يديرون مخبزًا صغيرًا يقع في شارع دي لا ماكليري في كروا بالقرب من ليل
تولى ابنه إدمون شارلمان مايوت ، الذي ولد في عام 1889 ، أعمال العائلة في عام 1908 مع زوجته فيكتورين. كان لديهم ابنة ، سوزان.
سوزان مايوت تزوجت جوليان هولدر. أقاموا المخابز الخاصة بهم تقع في شارع دي سارازينس في ليل. ولد ابنهما ، فرانسيس ، بعد بضع سنوات
الاستحواذ/التوسع: .
بدأ فرانسيس هولدر بالعمل مع والديه اللذين كانا ، بحلول ذلك الوقت ، قد استحوذا على معجنات كاريوريا الشهيرة التي تنتمي لعائلة PAUL. تم الاحتفاظ اسم PAUL. في عام 1958 ، استولى جوليان هولدر على مخبز العائلة. تم افتتاح مخبز ثاني في عام 1963
قام فرانسيس بتجديد مخبز العائلة في ليل ، وبدون إدراك التأثير الذي كان سيحدث ، قام بتركيب فرن يعمل بالحطب يعمل على مرأى ومسمع من العملاء. فكرة بسيطة مؤهلة من قبل فرانسيس بأنها «الحس السليم» ، لكنها مبتكرة للغاية في ذلك الوقت ، ورؤية الخبز المصنوع من هذه الطريقة التقليدية البحتة: العجن ، البرهنة ، التشكيل ، التشطيب ، التخمر الطويل ، الخبز ، إلخ.
الانتشار الخارجي :

بول تفتح أول مخبز لها خارج فرنسا ، في برشلونة. إنه بداية تطورنا الدولي. تأخرت بعض المخابز لمدة عامين ، وتضم منطقة مقهى أو مطعمًا.
قرر فرانسيس هولدر إعادة تنشيط PAUL وإضافة مكونين جديدين إلى العمل ؛ واجهات المتاجر السوداء الشهيرة الآن ، وتطوير خط ريفي من الخبز المتخصص باستخدام القمح الشتوي المنتج بشكل مستدام.
يعين فرانسيس حامل أولاده لمواصلة قصة الأسرة .
العمل الخاص هو بمثابه الابحار بمركب شراعي في المحيط و تحويله الي سفينه قادره علي الابحار و مغالبه الامواج, يحتاج ذلك الي ايمان بان القدرات البسيطه قادره علي اجاز مهام كبيره و التطوير كما تحتاج الي فريق عمل يعمل من اجل نفس الهدف و كل هذا لن يحدث من دون ” الشغف”.


How to predict the future of your small business?

How to predict the future of your small business?

Small business is having a specific nature which makes it unique not because it is the backbone of the economy only but also because of the risk.

Small businesses most properly are running with one man/women and with the same strategy and idea which can lead to the success of the flier.


How does the new business start?

–    Good idea, Motivation, Good business plan, Owned money or finance form any financial institution, Location to start (depend on the nature of the business),…..etc.

Why 80% of new small business fail in the first 2 years?

–    Poor management, high competition in the market, the financial plan wasn’t clear enough and insufficient capital due to owner spending or high unnecessary cost, Bad location, Poor marketing (No Website and No Social Media Presence), Believing you can do everything yourself, Overdependence on a single customer, Failure to clearly define and understand your market, your customers.


To predict the future of your business tries to maintain a good accounting system because it is one of the most successful tools you have; by organizing your financial Input, output, inventory, purchase, payables, receivables,…etc  you can present the future of your business! Also saving lots of money too.

Based on a strong accounting system you can analyze the business by answering this question:

1-    What is the business liquidity ratio?

2-    Profitability ratio?

3-    Debt ratio?

4-    Operation performance ratio?

5-    Investment valuation ratio?

6-    Do you calculate the payable and receivable days correctly?

7-    Is your inventory managed efficiently?


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SME, Small and Medium Enterprise, word lettering illustration in business concept. Design in modern style with related icons ornament concept for ui, ux, web, app banner design

How the bank evaluate the SME application !

How the banks evaluate the SME application? (lend the SME)

There are many things the bank evaluates to before taking a decision of approving or rejecting the loan application some of these things are:

  • The 5Cs
  1. A) – character.
  2. B) – Collateral: is the second way out which the bank concern about because in case of bankruptcy the bank will sell these assets to get the loan back, so even the bank pay a good attention in evaluating the assets and the depreciation of it during the loan period

The loan security cheese is also collateral which the bank can get the money back by file a case in case of bankruptcy.

  1. C) – condition: there are two types of the condition:

1- Internal condition: which refer to the bank policy in issuing and evaluating the loans?

2- External condition: which refer to the central bank policies and the gov. financial policies such as increasing the inflation rate or the LIBOR rate …..etc. which affect the bank policies

  1. D) – Cash: The bank pay attention for the first way out of the loan which is CASH, cash flow from the operation
  2. E) – Capital.
  3. F) – Credit reports: Credit report is a detailed list of your credit history because through the credit report the lender can see the financial history and how the managers manage the company and also it is an indicator to the future
  4. J) – Capacity: it the eligibility of the firm to repay the loan amount plus the interest rate on time


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Sustainability and small business

Sustainability in the simplest identification is meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
Moving towards sustainable production has been a complex process for energy companies, but not necessarily a negative one. By basing decisions on longer timelines, some of the higher upfront investments in efficiency and renewable sources are easier to justify. Investors have had to adjust their expectations for returns because a company that commits to the sustainable development of resources may have more modest earnings results in the near term. In terms of 48 countries, including 7 Arab countries, are preparing to submit to the United Nations in July their reports on their national plans for sustainable development programs until 2030 and UAE is one of them.

Small Companies implement sustainability programs because they want to improve company culture, encourage employees to contribute to positive change and increase profitability by reducing costs. Yet even when the commitment is there, implementation can be challenging, especially in small companies where resources are limited and time is one of its important factors.

Sustainability program should be the main part of the company strategy and it should reflect on the daily activity, there is a key point which leads to a difference between success and failure.

1-Keep programs simple and cost-effective

Keeping the programs simple “Doable”,  some can be one of the daily participation and part of the organization and the staff culture such as stop using the paper cups, cutlery, and other one use tools in the organization if possible and replace them with ceramic, glass or stainless steel.

2- Look for ways to scale ideas down

A company of any size can reduce the printed output just by eliminating the printing of presentation slides for meetings. The company can use email and other professional communication programs for its daily communication and also for storing the documents such as the iCloud.

3- Engage employees by encouraging and rewarding positive change

Company employees should contribute to the positive “green” programs such as stop smoking, use the natural product, recycle materials, etc.

4- Be consistent

One objective of any program should be to embed sustainability goals in as many daily activities as possible. Inconsistency sends a mixed message, reduces the chances of long-term participation and runs the risk of appearing as though the company is simply greenwashing. It’s better to implement just a few small programs to get going and be consistent than to try to launch a wide-ranging program that no one follows through on.

For a small business, competing priorities easily can get in the way without a top-down mission by the CEO and management team to talk, walk and live the sustainability message.


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